Sorry to you all about not updating :(. I'm terrible at this, ugh.
I'm going to do my best to get you all caught up.
For those you who don't know, I am currently working at Drake Middle School in Auburn, Alabama as a special education aide.
I love it.
I get to help two kids in need everyday. One boy and one girl. Th
ey are two sweet kids that have to get around by wheelchairs and since they are physica
lly incapable of a lot of different things I have to - get to- assist them. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it can get frustrating, but then I think...
How selfish am I?
I mean, two kids who do not get to have a "normal" childhood due to misfortune and I lose my patience because i begin to think about my own agenda. So, immediately I redirect my thinking and try to be more compassionate. For the most part, I get to spend the majority of my day and time laughing with two free-spirited and loving individuals while being cautious and keeping my feet out of the path of speedy wheelchairs (I have decided to call Paul's the Black Mamba due to it's unpredictable and deadly movements). I am surrounded by multip
le kids everyday! it can get tiring.
Paul is originally from Taiwan. He has lived in the states for about six years. Mikiela is the other little angel. She is from Auburn. Paul has cerebral palsy and I'm not quite sure if Mikiela has the same. Paul comes from a complete family that takes care of him very well. And... it shows. Unfortunately, on the other hand, Mikiela comes across as a neglected child. Her parents are separated and her mom works to support a family of six children, which includes Mikiela. My heart breaks. If I had the means, I would adopt her. She is such a sweet girl.
So, that's my main occupation at the moment. I definitely enjoy it. I feel that God has
been teaching me more about how to be compassionate and less self absorbed. I wake up every morning with motivation for a worthy objective. I feel like I have a greater purpose.
My second job is coaching. Coaching soccer, that is, if th
ere is anyone reading this that doesn't know me at all. I have a U-15 boys team. It's through the Auburn Thunder Soccer Club. It is a traveling team which requires commitment. We have practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Almost every weekend we have a game. They're a good group of kids. Many a time they have tried my patience and made me angry. I
try not to yell too often, but sometimes that is what it takes to get them motivated. One day, we lost to a team that I thought was not as skilled as us, but we were thoroughly outplayed and we ended up losing. If any of you have seen the movie Miracle you can imagine how much I made my team run after the game ha.
Patience Seth.
That is what i have to remind my self. Patience. I can't treat this team like MNU. They aren't some soccer power. They are from Auburn, Alabama. They probably care more about college football than their own team. I'm trying my hardest to adjust. Soccer doesn't have near the value or significance down here like it did in Kansas. Yes... that means very, ver
y small significance. But, my team is thought to be one of the best out of all the teams in the club. So i take pride in that.
So you are all probably wondering how The relationship is going. :)
Last time I checked, she is still beautiful and I love her (because that is all that matters right? haha). It is going well! Tori and I just got done visiting her mom in ATL. We are both just continuing to learn how to live our different lives and still connect and grow together. One day at a time. At times it can be rough because I'm living in the 'profess
ional world' while she is still in her college years. It seems like there is a new challenge or change every month. So, we're trying to figure out how to get through things with support from each other. Most of the time I'm pretty drained from work, coaching, and just good old fashion busyness. I am learning how to spend time with her in the midst of all that. It may seem like a sacrifice sometimes, but I need to understand that is what love is and that is how things are going to be in the future.
We are both in our own bible studies. She has found an amazing group of ladies that she
meets with every Sunday. And I have the same on my end. We are both going to Cornerstone Church, but we aren't involved much. But, we have expressed interest in helping ou
t with youth. The only problem is that they haven't had a youth pastor for a while and are just now getting a new one. So, we are just waiting to see what the Lord opens up once the dude arrives.
I guess I just can't get enough of kids :)
Last thing.
I want to go soooo bad!
My friend Buns and I are trying to plan our own sort of mission trip to Ecuador this summer. We want to be there for like 2 months. We would love to teach English or coach soccer (the only two things that I know how to do). So, we have had a blessing of 2 or 3 connections down there so hopefully, God willing, we can figure something out. Gotta be honest, it has been on my mind like crazy as of late! That a
nd the Wheel of Times Series. I'm on book nine! Aaaaaand Universal Studios is supposed to be making a movie about it :) :) :). yeah... I'm a fantasy junky, I'm not ashamed!
Well friends, I leave you with a couple of videos and pics. Love you all!! Don't hesitate to give me a quick call or email!
Peace, Love, and God above
Pictures include College Gameday on ESPN, the Manchester United game, a Lord of The Rings cake that a friend made for me for my birthday, Paul playing putt-putt, Mikiela and Paul before the pep rally, and Auburn football tailgating.

One of these videos shows you the contagious laughter of Paul Liu as he walks on the treadmill and the adorable smile of Mikiela as she fails to do any sort of workout during P.E. How can you punish such a sweet girl?? If you have an answer then you need to tell me right away or she will be getting away with everything this year.
The other video shows you how deprived I was as a seventh grader. Why didn't we ever have pep rallies????
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