Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ecuador Blog

Hola amigos,

We just wanted to let everyone know that we have started a blog dedicated to our Ecuador experience. The new link is . Check it out!

Dios Te Bendiga,
Seth and Brian

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hola Ecuador


This is what we read as we walked through the customs at Guayaquil airport tonight. It has been quite the adventure already for Brian and I. We´ve already hit some stumbling blocks. Emphasis on stumbling because it is something that will not hinder us by any means, just rather irritating and bothersome.

First off, some of you may not know this, but we have been eagerly praying and waiting for news on Brian´s acceptance into medical school. It just goes to show you that God´s plans are so perfect, Brian just found out today that he will be attending medical school at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I am so proud of him, as are so many others!

So, we found this out during our 5 hourĂ­sh lay over in Miami. We both drained our phones´battery life by talking so much to people, but we knew it was worth, especially since we didn´t know when we would be able to utilize our cell phones again. Eventually we arrive at our gate and boarded our plane for Guayaquil. We figured we would get to our seats smoothly and enjoy the flight. Not so much. Turned out that some really old people who didn´t speak English had taken some other lady´s seats (this lady had two babies with her). Then, that lady took Brian and I´s seats. So, we had quite the conundrum. That was a delay in itself. Eventually Brian and I just had to sit in different sections. He ended up by some old lady and I ended up between a mother and her daughter who were awesome! The daughter was 7 and was the so cute and entertaining. The mother was super sweet and decided that she would take this opportunity to tell me about Ecuador and her life story really haha. I became so well acquainted with them that the mom asked for my phone number and email address because she wants to visit Cuenca, along with her daughter, and go get some dinner with Brian and I. How fun is that?

Our flight ended up being delayed by 2 hours. We arrived at Guayaquil to find no one there waiting for us. So, we didn´t really know what to do. Thank God that Brian has a cell phone that still works in foreign lands. He called George and he called someone to pick us up. The lady is super nice but doesn´t like to exercise her English. She drove like a mad woman possessed on these streets, which have no lines or really any organization, i guess it makes every trip an adventure haha. Anyway, once we got to Guayaquil, we drudged through the passport section to find that our bags had been completely soaked by the rain in Miami. This made no sense whatsoever. Now we both have suitcases full of completely soaked ropa (clothes). Not good. Not to mention, a stinky situation. The nice crazy driver lady kept asking us why our bags were so heavy... I kept repeating, ¨porque estan mojado!¨ because they are wet haha.

Well, we prolly need to go to bed. We need to be out of the hotel in the morning by 7:30 a.m. and at the airport by 8 a.m.

Continue to pray for our protection and safe travels to Cuenca tomorrow. Love you all! And remember that through everything, God is always good.

Seth & Brian

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I feel like I'm getting old...


My name is Seth Turner. I am a terrible blogger and wish to share a little bit of my life with you :)

For those who do not know already, I have been accepted to attend Auburn University for graduate school! It's so great. As a matter of fact, when I found out, I could feel the stress and worries roll right off of my shoulders. I want to give a shot out to those of you who were almost just as happy as me, I appreciate all of your support and thanks praying for me! Tori was great, she went out and bought me an Auburn shirt (that had nothing to do with football on it) and a sticker to put on the windshield of my car. Gotta admit, it made me even more excited.

I have been both patient and impatient at times, but God has remained faithful and His plan is unfolding an tiny bit at a time. I will be studying foreign language education in Spanish. The program is probably going to take me 2 years. I will begin in the fall and, boy, am I going to be busy.

I've looked up my classes online and it looks like, as of right now, I will have class every night except for on the weekends. So, that means that after work everyday I will head to class. This doesn't sound very convenient when it comes to time management, but I know that being in graduate school will help me get to where I want to be in the future, career-wise.

I also found out that it will be required of me to study abroad, since I have not yet done so during my Spanish career. This is exciting, but I sort of hoped to get certified quicker. It will be very beneficial for me to go abroad though. It will help get me closer to achieving my goal of complete fluency.

I'm so excited about grad school, I wish I could get started right away...

Right now I'm chillin' with Tori and her family in Alpharetta for the Easter weekend. It has been very relaxing.

I've been a lill home sick lately. Mostly because I've been so excited and anxious to see my family when the visit in June. I have no idea what we are going to do when they get here, but it will be so great to introduce them to everybody down here and show them my new stomping grounds :)

Just a quick update on Ecuador:

I've raised almost all the needed funds for Ecuador this summer. I'm not quite sure where I am currently, but a couple of weeks ago I was a lil over $2,000. Our goal is to have $2,500 each. So, I should almost be there! Thank you so much for your support everybody! It has been so cool to see God work and provide.

Other than that, I'm still working at the middle school. Not gonna lie, this school year has drained me big time. Now I understand how all the teachers feel, it's not easy being surrounded by kids all day, almost everyday of the year...

I am also coaching a u-16 co-ed rec soccer team. It's not the most fun thing ever, but the kids are all pretty nice for the most part... and I'm getting paid for it. Can't complain about that. I'm also still involved with the youth group at church (now that I think about it, I really am around kids way too much haha) and that is going ok, most of the time I honestly am so tired that I don't feel like making any attempt whatsoever to socialize but I do it anyway.

How is everyone else doing? I would love to hear from you. (Sorry for not getting in touch with you this past weekend Bethany).

God bless,
