I have to admit, the Lord's time is pretty ridiculous. He always has everything planned out, and it's so unfair because we don't have insight. Couldn't we just have a sneak peek of what He's doing!?
But, on the other hand, It makes life exciting. I have learned how awfully difficult is for me to trust and remain faithful when things aren't going my way. I get stressed, doubtful, and quite honestly just afraid of what the future holds. Yet, like a sucker punch to the side of the face He surprises you (but should it be a surprise?).
Having said this, I'm so excited to tell you that God has been putting pieces together in my life.
I got a job at the Middle School as a special education teaching assistant.
I am also going to be a full time soccer coach for the Auburn Thunder Soccer Club.
God is faithful... again.
He provided again.
Why am I always so surprised when He provides?
Why are you?
Why are we?
I am also going to be a full time soccer coach for the Auburn Thunder Soccer Club.
God is faithful... again.
He provided again.
Why am I always so surprised when He provides?
Why are you?
Why are we?
Right now I am working full time at Dick's Sporting Goods as the customer service specialist. It's stressful, but I have to remind myself that it is a blessing from the Lord. It's a way of making a little money before I transition to my next job.
I have made so many AMAZING friends that after playing two hours of soccer on the tennis courts, sweaty and painfully tired, will sit down their fatigued bodies on the hot concrete and converse with me about life and its struggles. As I write about this, it has come to my attention that this is obviously the work on the Lord. I have done nothing to receive these blessings, It's just by HIS grace and mercy. Despite my lack of faith and my doubt, He has given my so much.
I have made so many AMAZING friends that after playing two hours of soccer on the tennis courts, sweaty and painfully tired, will sit down their fatigued bodies on the hot concrete and converse with me about life and its struggles. As I write about this, it has come to my attention that this is obviously the work on the Lord. I have done nothing to receive these blessings, It's just by HIS grace and mercy. Despite my lack of faith and my doubt, He has given my so much.
So much.
As of a couple of weeks ago, I have been thinking more about missions. I don't know if this is just a temporary thought, but I have been praying that God would provide me a way to pay my school loans. They are pretty hefty, but there is no telling what God is capable of.
I would love to just travel the world or South America or just really anywhere for a year and use soccer as a ministry. My idea derives from the film Pelada. If you haven't heard of it you can check it out at pelada-movie.com. Or maybe have a soccer camp of some sort.
I'll be leaving Dick's Sporting Goods in late July. The job at the Middle School starts during the first week of August. I figure it would be nice to give myself maybe a week of no work between the transition to just enjoy being jobless ha.
Love you all. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.
In His abundance of Blessings,

I would love to just travel the world or South America or just really anywhere for a year and use soccer as a ministry. My idea derives from the film Pelada. If you haven't heard of it you can check it out at pelada-movie.com. Or maybe have a soccer camp of some sort.
I'll be leaving Dick's Sporting Goods in late July. The job at the Middle School starts during the first week of August. I figure it would be nice to give myself maybe a week of no work between the transition to just enjoy being jobless ha.
Love you all. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.
In His abundance of Blessings,